Wednesday 18 April 2007

Bridge Pattern


Bridge Pattern

In real life a bridge is seen or considered as a connecting / intermediate route or phase between two elements or conditions. It provides access from one point to another whether there was none before. You can choose to remove or suspend that access as you choose to.

In design patterns, there exist structural patterns by GoF, the bridge pattern. From my understanding of a bridge pattern since Inheritance binds an implementation to the
Abstraction permanently which makes it difficult to modify, a bridge pattern can be used to decouple the abstraction from its implementation so that it can be modified at anytime and then bridge or coupled again with its implementation to be used at run time. The decoupling helps the abstraction and implementation to be used independently also. GOF in there own words say that the intention for this pattern is to “Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently” [GoF]

[GoF] GoF, elements of reusable Object Oriented software, Page 157

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.